Tuesday, January 19, 2010


This is what it looked like in Haiti before the earthquake. It looked better before the earthqake, but then after the earthquake it looked very bad.
After the earthquake, they are handing out plastic tents for the people to sleep and live in until they can get help. This is the Baptist Haiti Mission where Ti-Fam went.

Even after the earthquake, people were praising and thanking God for those who didn't die. These people had lost family members, moms and dads died, so the kids need help. Would you help me raise money so I can help them? I will be reading books one hour everyday so we can raise money for Haiti so the kids won't be lost and they will have people to take care of them and so they will have plenty of food to eat. Would you please help me by sponsoring me? You can pay so much for each hour I read for the next 3 weeks. Or whatever you want to send. We will give the money to Baptist Haiti Mission. All of the money will go to help with the earthquake. Please pray every day for God to take care of every single person in Haiti, especially the kids that are hurt. Mom and Dads too for them to find their kids. The End


  1. Becky said...
    I DO! I DO!! I want to sponsor you, Benjamin. I'll donate $3 for every hour that you read. I'm VERY proud of you!

    January 18, 2010 6:56 PM

    Kristi said...
    My family and my parents are joining together to pledge $3 per hour! You are such a special young man, Benjamin! We are so proud of you!!!

    January 18, 2010 7:11 PM

    Marcy Faye Hallden said...
    Benjamin, your mommy helped me reach out to girls in Asia when I lived there. She sent LOTS of things in the mail for me to show God's love to these girls there. I showed my 3 year old son your blog, and I asked Hudson how much of his money he wanted to give, and he said, "LOTS!!" So, Hudson will give $1 for every hour you read, and Craig and I will give $4. Way to go Benjamin!!

    January 18, 2010 7:33 PM

    amy wright said...
    Benjamin, I will give you $1 for every hour you read. I'm so proud of you!
    Isaac and Josiah just came in the room with $1 of their own and we will be sending that to you as well. I love you, buddy.

    January 19, 2010 9:31 AM

    TheShermanFam said...
    Benjamin! What a huge inspiration in such a little body!
    I've mulled over several charities the last few days, trying to decide where to send money and I know for sure this is where it needs to go. My husband and I will donate $5 for every hour you read. Can't wait to read your updates for the next 3 weeks!!
    Ember Sherman
    ember1027 (at) yahoo (dot) com

    January 19, 2010 10:02 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Freda & I will donate $2 per hour for your reading. May God bless you for this wonderful effort.

    Jerry & Freda Hamlin
    Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

    January 19, 2010 11:33 AM

    Lindsey said...
    I read your blog to Ryan and Addie. They are so glad that you are going to read books to help Haiti. We have been praying for the people of Haiti and asking God to show us how we can help. Ryan and Addie want to give you $1 for every hour you read.
    Ryan says, "We will give you money to read five books. I'm going to give you money out of my penny bank."
    Addie says, "I want to help Haiti and I want to play with you and I love you."
    The End.

    January 19, 2010 11:55 AM

    Becky Dietz said...
    From Gayle White:

    Beck..........You know I don't know how to "jump" to blogs. I just tried 3 different things and didn't get there. Anyway, would you jump for me and tell Benjamin how proud I am of him and I'll give $5 for each hour he reads?

    January 19, 2010 2:27 PM

    Becky Dietz said...
    From Todd Hutton:
    Rhonda and I will each donate $1 / hour.

    From Debbie Prock:
    Sign me up! $1/hour

    January 19, 2010 2:29 PM

  2. Benjamin,
    I'm so excited about your new blog---it looks REALLY cool! I can't wait to hear about the books you're reading! I love you!
