Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Update by Mom:

Ben finished his reading tonight - with a total of 1 hour 10 minutes today. (We're keeping up with EVERY second! LOL) He's hoping to make up for the 30 minutes we missed on the first day. Our day of reading includes him reading at least 1/2 of the hour with books on his level. The other 1/2 can be books above his reading level if he helps read what he can from that book. I'd love ideas on more books to read. Any suggestions?


  1. I have some Zoobooks at Living Water he can read. In fact, I have a bunch of books he could read!! Coming to Borger anytime soon??

  2. Sandra: There are a lot of kids books in the hall book case at Mom's house that I got as BMA awards. One series is about a young Christian boy growing up on a ranch in Montana known as the "Flying Flapjack". (Are you impressed that I can remember the name of the ranch from almost 40 years ago?!? Ben might enjoy those.

  3. Benjamin, You are very courageous and very concerned for the people of Haiti. We want to support you for $1 per hour.
    Larry & Gloria Barnes

  4. WOW, Gary! That's quite a memory you've got there!

  5. Gary, we've actually used some of your books in home school before. But I haven't seen the Flying Flapjack books guess a trip to Granny's house is in order for this week! I'm with Becky, that's quite a memory!

  6. The book I'm thinking of is "Flip of the Flying Flapjack." (The boy's name is Flip. Now you can be impressed by my memory!)

  7. Gary,
    I found the book! We'll start reading it soon!

    Sorry I missed seeing you. Thanks for all the books. Ben will love reading them!
